After a very stressful party I attended at thebourgeagems1, I needed to relax so he sent me a message saying I could go there. I answered “yes” and went there. In the room where I was, he told me that he had pain in his back and lower back, as well as in his lower back and buttocks, and asked me to undress him. I suggested that he lie down on the stretcher, but he refused, and I began the massage, stroking his penis with my hand. His thighs were very hard and his hand was rubbing against his penis. He took off his shorts and took my hand on his ass while I sucked his cock. I sat on the stretcher and began to reach for his penis, which excited him greatly. We came really good on the stretcher and then he stood up really good to cum. Watch released porn movie by Secretmassage porn studio and Featuring models Secretmassage.
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